This is some idea
All government intervention is a combination of tax and subsidy.
For example, minimum wage is tax for small business and subsidy for some privilege worker. Why privilege? When the price do not meet, somebody will be jobless and somebody will be overpaid. Who will be overpaid? Whichever is privileged.
Racist white people usually support minimum wage to keep blacks out of job, for example. Then job is not distributed by supply and demand but by various government regulation like affirmative action.
Here is another.
When people pay tax they think it’s still their money anyway.
What about if we presume that rather than maximizing wealth people maximize power. Power in politic is like wealth in business. Let’s see controlship to “effective ownership”.
Now analyze the same thing again.
Who control the money before tax? You. Who control the money after taxation? Government official. Is it strange that government official squander it for vacations? For all practical purpose it’s as if they OWN the money. Hey, in a very practical sense, they really own it more than we own our own body. They have POWER over it.
Tax is the transfer of power from you to government. Marriage, like tax, is the transfer of power from you to government. Simple? Giving power is like giving money. It’s like giving your car keys. It’s for all practical purpose like giving your whole cars. The difference is whether you punish them if they runaway. You can’t punish government right? So yap. It’s really like giving.
Ah but not all of money spend on Obama is spent on blowing his cock. Agree. Not all money I earn is spent on blowing my cock. I invest most to make more money. The same way, Obama spent most of money he control to have more power in the future. For example, government would invest money on better bullshit. Things like telling people that ganja is illegal or whatever.
You see. Politic is just like business. We just need a few words equivalent (power in politic is like wealth in business) and the same business common sense can be used to analyze politic.
WHat else?
Yea maximum wage. Imagine if government institute maximum wage rather than minimum wage. Who would complain? Who would support? What kind of workers would cheer and what kind of workers would oppose? Would programmers like that? Would liberal art majors like that?
Organ donor is like maximum wage for selling organ. There are many things you can donate but can’t sell. That’s like maximum wage. Of course, maximum wage and minimum wage is like subsidy and tax. Just see who effectively got subsidy and see who effectively pay extra tax.
For example, if government institute maximum wage, CEO and programmers would protest but low class workers would rejoice because they would expect that money gone from those CEO will enrich them. Actually it’s not quite like that given that there will be fewer job creator and too many people wanting to do simple menial tasks. However, that’s what privilege come into play.
Trade restriction is like maximum wage. If you can donate but cannot sell, that means the maximum wage is 0. Now prohibition of sex trade will be cheered by most ugly women who cannot earn money via trading sex anyway. They hope that money men spent on porn will go feeding them instead. Of course this hurt the interests of really really hot babes.
Actually, money don’t really come to ugly women. What happen is, males will have less incentive to get laid and everybody lost. Hmm… I think I need to take into account elasticity here. After all humans always produce equal number of sons and daughter irrelevant of price.
And what about government regulating our life prohibiting consensual crime? Easy. They control us right. Control-> own…. So we are slave….
I think the biggest problem with all philosophy is that many things with the exact same game structure are just called differently and somehow target different emotion. C’mon. Start seeing the same thing as the same and we can use stuff we understand on what we are familiar with with stuff we don’t.
Simplifying Politic is a post from: Free Market Forever
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